The Beauty of Reincarnation
By Judi Lynch
Some people believe we have one life given to us to live on Earth and we have to do everything we can to make it count. Others believe we have as many lives as it takes to elevate our Souls into higher consciousness. Reincarnation enables that glorious purpose. If we understand life is not incarceration unless we make it so, then we become the judge of our choices and lessons. It means we can choose to come back and experience human life again. We can have another go at making better choices. To make this Earth and the Souls residing on it evolve, awaken, and thrive with purpose.
During fulfillment of spiritual consciousness, the Soul knows when death is near. Certain energy is released that sends out a signal to the etheric, mental and emotional bodies to detach, to imprint. Your life history is eternally recorded and this enables your Soul to bring those soul lessons unacknowledged back into a new lifetime. Not only these energies but new soul themes you may choose to bring in with you next time as well.
It is also understood that the Soul is not punished for their level of understanding while they are here. Someone can be extremely headstrong in their religion or social causes to the point of being cruel and destructive, yet they love their family dearly and have given to many charitable causes. They may still have much to learn about compassion or bigotry but the good in their heart is recognized by the Soul. The heart chakra inside the Soul can see the positive light.
Groundbreaking evidence acknowledged in our lifetime sheds light on documents that contain very interesting information concerning reincarnation. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic texts and many other writings and religions back this concept. It takes the experience of living many lifetimes to achieve spiritual ascension. Many of these metaphysical beliefs mysteries have been forbidden to even be considered in certain religions.
What you believe at the time of your death will greatly determine your experience. If you openly accept you are a spiritual being living in a human body and that your consciousness can never die, it is likely your consciousness will be greeted by a radiant light filled with loving beings. If your Soul has been filled with anxiety and dogma about the afterlife, it is very likely your fear will block the light from your consciousness, causing the Soul to think they are all alone. The truth is the light exists all around you at all times whether you think you are worthy of it or not.
We incarnate here to raise the vibration, to evolve the planet in many different ways and forms. A Soul who comes in as an Ascended Master may not have soul themes to heal from a past life but they may possess tremendous healing and spiritual power to help enlighten thousands or millions of people. Another Soul with a whole book of soul themes to work on could actually do the same thing by setting an inspiring example, coming up from having nothing to become a champion for humanity. There is no judgment in the way the purpose is fulfilled, only recognition for how miraculous and beautiful a process it is.
The beauty of reincarnation of the Soul is realized by finding kindred spirits and soul groups you have known before, in the knowledge that you are an immortal being on a pilgrimage. All death is an illusion and your Soul is on a mystical quest. The challenges will reach you and prepare you for an incredible reward of healing, unconditional love and forgiveness. You matter and you always will. Your Soul is part of a continuum that is alive in endless love made of light energy.
Bio for Judi Lynch
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see psychicmediumjudilynch.com or email judi@ judilynch.com
By Judi Lynch
Some people believe we have one life given to us to live on Earth and we have to do everything we can to make it count. Others believe we have as many lives as it takes to elevate our Souls into higher consciousness. Reincarnation enables that glorious purpose. If we understand life is not incarceration unless we make it so, then we become the judge of our choices and lessons. It means we can choose to come back and experience human life again. We can have another go at making better choices. To make this Earth and the Souls residing on it evolve, awaken, and thrive with purpose.
During fulfillment of spiritual consciousness, the Soul knows when death is near. Certain energy is released that sends out a signal to the etheric, mental and emotional bodies to detach, to imprint. Your life history is eternally recorded and this enables your Soul to bring those soul lessons unacknowledged back into a new lifetime. Not only these energies but new soul themes you may choose to bring in with you next time as well.
It is also understood that the Soul is not punished for their level of understanding while they are here. Someone can be extremely headstrong in their religion or social causes to the point of being cruel and destructive, yet they love their family dearly and have given to many charitable causes. They may still have much to learn about compassion or bigotry but the good in their heart is recognized by the Soul. The heart chakra inside the Soul can see the positive light.
Groundbreaking evidence acknowledged in our lifetime sheds light on documents that contain very interesting information concerning reincarnation. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic texts and many other writings and religions back this concept. It takes the experience of living many lifetimes to achieve spiritual ascension. Many of these metaphysical beliefs mysteries have been forbidden to even be considered in certain religions.
What you believe at the time of your death will greatly determine your experience. If you openly accept you are a spiritual being living in a human body and that your consciousness can never die, it is likely your consciousness will be greeted by a radiant light filled with loving beings. If your Soul has been filled with anxiety and dogma about the afterlife, it is very likely your fear will block the light from your consciousness, causing the Soul to think they are all alone. The truth is the light exists all around you at all times whether you think you are worthy of it or not.
We incarnate here to raise the vibration, to evolve the planet in many different ways and forms. A Soul who comes in as an Ascended Master may not have soul themes to heal from a past life but they may possess tremendous healing and spiritual power to help enlighten thousands or millions of people. Another Soul with a whole book of soul themes to work on could actually do the same thing by setting an inspiring example, coming up from having nothing to become a champion for humanity. There is no judgment in the way the purpose is fulfilled, only recognition for how miraculous and beautiful a process it is.
The beauty of reincarnation of the Soul is realized by finding kindred spirits and soul groups you have known before, in the knowledge that you are an immortal being on a pilgrimage. All death is an illusion and your Soul is on a mystical quest. The challenges will reach you and prepare you for an incredible reward of healing, unconditional love and forgiveness. You matter and you always will. Your Soul is part of a continuum that is alive in endless love made of light energy.
Bio for Judi Lynch
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see psychicmediumjudilynch.com or email judi@ judilynch.com