Portals to the Light
By Judi Lynch
Portals connect our existence to the dimensions around us, through endless possibilities of energy fields and choices. We all have the ability to tap into these incredible wheels in which the light is seen, felt or heard. Miracles are created. The reasons for their existence are vast and varied. A soul who is reluctant to cross into the light may have to be counseled into trusting that tunnel of radiant brilliance greeting them at the time of passing into the spiritual realm.
Many times these portals of light are sent to heal and rescue us in times of need. They open up with unconditional love to wrap us in Angel wings and carry us to safety. The spiritual beings who thrive in the light of other dimensions bring this light into our Universe in incredible and astounding ways. Humans have witnessed some amazing happenings which can only be explained by divine grace manifesting to bring in miracles that science has yet to explain. These experiences are evolving all the time and as more proof is revealed, scientific discoveries will catch up.
These beams of Heaven are also shared with us when there is a great shift of spiritual frequency to upgrade our metaphysical abilities. The energy can be felt through our bodies from our crown chakra to our toes. Lifting us up to heal in fusion of soul and human body while we continue our spiritual evolutions of human ascension. Those who work as mediums, intuitives and energy healers receive this incredible light rejuvenation through their guides and ascended masters by the constant practice of meditation. In these meditations are the personal keys and codes that connect them to their own soul portal of light corresponding to their life purpose here at this time.
A soul that is preparing to cross over from this lifetime into consciousness again is often able to see, feel and hear these light portals just before they leave their human body. They have relayed information to those near them explaining what they are experiencing or even spoken to people they are able to see who are in another dimension. When a person physically dies but is revived, they can often tell you about a light portal and describe exactly what was going on in the room while they were unconsciousness. Imagine their soul floating around the top of the room like a camera and then popping back into the body with a report. As our spiritual consciousness continues to evolve, these occurrences will happen more often.
It has also come into being that our thoughts have created special times during our Earth calendar year when the veil between dimensions becomes very thin. Energy portals open with our very will of being able to see, hear and communicate with those souls who are no longer in human form. October is especially filled with metaphysical phenomenon and seemingly unexplained presences. December is also a time of great celebration where healing light energy is heightened and Angels have been sighted in many churches around the world. Beautiful beings filled with messages of hope, courage and understanding come to us in dreams, telepathy, synchronicity. Full on visions through light. They would tell you that even in the darkest places, there are cracks which can become tunnels. Millions of souls have traveled through those tunnels and felt the indescribable love pouring through them. How completely miraculous it really is to our human minds we can travel through dimensions!
The Earth is filled with energy centers which are able to absorb and channel more light-filled vibrations than other locations. They exists in powerful mountain ranges filled with living things, waterfalls, crystal formations, ancient rocks. Mystical places where there were great ceremonies of gratitude and spiritual connection. In North America, these places were often occupied by native people who blessed the land and easily found their homes among the sacred spaces where they could seek spiritual solace and connection. The magic of the mountains, lakes and skies were a constant source of discovery and amazement.
In our recent evolution of mind and soul, man is remembering and then redefining how we once thought of our metaphysical skills and possibilities. They are real and limitless. When our intention is to love, our purpose is to heal; evolving these multifaceted, unique, ridiculous souls becomes clear. We created these portals of light to bring us closer to the dimension so many call Heaven. Now the veil that divides us will disappear to shine right before our eyes.
About the Author:
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and also a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. psychicmediumjudilynch.com e-mail: [email protected]
By Judi Lynch
Portals connect our existence to the dimensions around us, through endless possibilities of energy fields and choices. We all have the ability to tap into these incredible wheels in which the light is seen, felt or heard. Miracles are created. The reasons for their existence are vast and varied. A soul who is reluctant to cross into the light may have to be counseled into trusting that tunnel of radiant brilliance greeting them at the time of passing into the spiritual realm.
Many times these portals of light are sent to heal and rescue us in times of need. They open up with unconditional love to wrap us in Angel wings and carry us to safety. The spiritual beings who thrive in the light of other dimensions bring this light into our Universe in incredible and astounding ways. Humans have witnessed some amazing happenings which can only be explained by divine grace manifesting to bring in miracles that science has yet to explain. These experiences are evolving all the time and as more proof is revealed, scientific discoveries will catch up.
These beams of Heaven are also shared with us when there is a great shift of spiritual frequency to upgrade our metaphysical abilities. The energy can be felt through our bodies from our crown chakra to our toes. Lifting us up to heal in fusion of soul and human body while we continue our spiritual evolutions of human ascension. Those who work as mediums, intuitives and energy healers receive this incredible light rejuvenation through their guides and ascended masters by the constant practice of meditation. In these meditations are the personal keys and codes that connect them to their own soul portal of light corresponding to their life purpose here at this time.
A soul that is preparing to cross over from this lifetime into consciousness again is often able to see, feel and hear these light portals just before they leave their human body. They have relayed information to those near them explaining what they are experiencing or even spoken to people they are able to see who are in another dimension. When a person physically dies but is revived, they can often tell you about a light portal and describe exactly what was going on in the room while they were unconsciousness. Imagine their soul floating around the top of the room like a camera and then popping back into the body with a report. As our spiritual consciousness continues to evolve, these occurrences will happen more often.
It has also come into being that our thoughts have created special times during our Earth calendar year when the veil between dimensions becomes very thin. Energy portals open with our very will of being able to see, hear and communicate with those souls who are no longer in human form. October is especially filled with metaphysical phenomenon and seemingly unexplained presences. December is also a time of great celebration where healing light energy is heightened and Angels have been sighted in many churches around the world. Beautiful beings filled with messages of hope, courage and understanding come to us in dreams, telepathy, synchronicity. Full on visions through light. They would tell you that even in the darkest places, there are cracks which can become tunnels. Millions of souls have traveled through those tunnels and felt the indescribable love pouring through them. How completely miraculous it really is to our human minds we can travel through dimensions!
The Earth is filled with energy centers which are able to absorb and channel more light-filled vibrations than other locations. They exists in powerful mountain ranges filled with living things, waterfalls, crystal formations, ancient rocks. Mystical places where there were great ceremonies of gratitude and spiritual connection. In North America, these places were often occupied by native people who blessed the land and easily found their homes among the sacred spaces where they could seek spiritual solace and connection. The magic of the mountains, lakes and skies were a constant source of discovery and amazement.
In our recent evolution of mind and soul, man is remembering and then redefining how we once thought of our metaphysical skills and possibilities. They are real and limitless. When our intention is to love, our purpose is to heal; evolving these multifaceted, unique, ridiculous souls becomes clear. We created these portals of light to bring us closer to the dimension so many call Heaven. Now the veil that divides us will disappear to shine right before our eyes.
About the Author:
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and also a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. psychicmediumjudilynch.com e-mail: [email protected]