I am blessed to have a beautiful place to live and to work in. The birdfeeder outside my office window keeps me looking out to see what kind of bird will visit next. The trees have bloomed and the turtle is back from winter at the creek to live in our yard for the summer. She has returned every Spring for the last 15 years we've lived here. There are rabbits, chipmunks, deer and the occasional possum now and then. I am grateful for every tree, flower and creature that shares this little space with us. The Earth is our Home. What an incredible place to Evolve!
The Healing Power of Nature
By Judi Lynch This Earth is filled with places of mystical charm with the ability to heal the spirit and the body. Places which vibrate on higher frequencies of knowing, being and existing. The energy is kind, generous and healing just by gazing out at it. As you begin to really see it you can see the vibrations moving along the horizon. Upon water, upon the tops of mountains, even through the fog with peeks of sunshine. If we take part in the incredible gifts being offered to heal us in the forests, rocks and plants which surround us every day, we feel a shift in our being. We begin to remember we are also a part of the life cycle in which the consciousness provides nourishment, hope and future if we listen. To heal what this Earth is made of, what grows here, what will survive here, we have to see the Universe in a new light. This is our home. A new one isn’t ready yet (or hasn’t been discovered yet) out there for humans to be able to live the way we do. While we work on that, we have a responsibility to take care of what sustains us now and our loved ones in the future. The water, the land, the forests, and the oceans have provided us with miraculous medicines, food, fresh air, exercise, and make life here itself possible. We are now witnessing a growing movement to get out and support going green, donating to the national parks and utilizing their services to hike, camp, fish, and swim. As we discover ways to preserve, respect, and save the life that grows around us on this planet it is obvious that our very existence depends on it. Every tree, animal, insect, plant, and all living things are miraculous. If we can learn to honor these incredible resources by sharing and sustaining these life giving forces we win. In the United States alone there many of these fantastic places of wonder and beauty. Ancient forests, giant trees, trails that stretch on for miles just waiting to be walked upon. Hot Springs and mountain lakes where healthy fish still exist. Many places and species are in great danger of extinction if you read the latest reports and observations from many different agencies and organizations around the globe. NASA has been studying and reporting on climate change with scientific evidence and photos of the Earth from space that are stunning and sobering. We need the forests to survive, yet they are being destroyed by those who don’t care about the future. So much water has been tainted by oil spills and polar ice is melting, leaving the polar bear no place to live. So much beauty being taken for granted! In turn this hubris will eventually take the lives of everyone on the planet unless we join together to change it. Instead of poisoning the planet out of greed, we have to collectively decide to do just the opposite. This takes courage, time and hard work still to come. There is no time to argue the reality our planet is warming up. There is no more time to fight over land when people are suffering, their lives at stake, their purposes unknown out of fear and need for survival. This is a time on Earth for action in words, deeds and manifestations of a better, healthier, safer place for everyone. The healing power of the nature around us is what will save humanity and bring in a new Earth. Those who understand the magnitude of this phenomenon are now joining together to make their voices, actions and purposes known. It’s time that those who have closed their hearts and minds to evolve listen up! Once a heart and soul have been awakened, there is no going back. About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see psychicmediumjudilynch.com or email [email protected] Article Link to OMTimes Magazine http://omtimes.com/2017/02/healing-power-nature/ ![]() Affirmations to Reach Higher Ground By Judi Lynch Positive affirmations can help us raise our vibrations into activating changes in the brain which release negative thought patterns, making room for spiritual transformations of the miraculous kind. They create an energy all their own. Affirming words, thoughts and actions give us the miraculous ability to raise the frequency of thought to change the body, mind and soul into healing action and manifestation. When thoughts are repeated, they become beliefs. Belief brings in our reality. As we have formed thought patterns which do not serve us well as we go about our lives, we must form new ones to replace those we have decided to let go. Depending on our emotional needs at the time, as we work on our mental “chatter,” there are many ways to think, speak and act affirmatively. Some phrases that may help you create the energy you need to let in the positive energy that heals your thoughts: I am strong I am capable I am made of light I am spiritual consciousness I am grateful for the healing energy you bring as you open your hands to receive energy Every negative thought is only temporary – I can process it, release it, heal it and move forward How do I heal this with your guidance by incorporating higher knowledge? During meditation speak with your guides and loved ones intuitively and out loud. Listen and see through your third eye vision the words, people, places, things that will be providing these answers. Breathe in your affirmations and feel their energy flow through all your chakra centers. Courage takes practice. Remember that peace is an energy. You are the creator. In most situations you have time to make a choice. Is this my circus? Are these thoughts coming from my true self or of those around me? Through choosing affirmation you can intuit the path to take at that time without letting the doubt and anxiety change what you know is really true for you. It may take you out of your comfort zone but that could be a very good thing! Anytime that stress brings in these little voices, use your big inside voice to quiet them down. Write, speak, pray, meditate, walk, sing, dance and affirm to release and renew. Affirmations should be a part of your everyday life like brushing your teeth. Your quality of life depends on your thoughts. No matter how rich, poor, challenged or blessed you are, your thoughts create your reality. As you would never approve of someone bullying another, you should never bully yourself by agreeing to negative thoughts about yourself. Their sources are varied but their voices are destructive in the same way. The purpose of affirmation is self-improvement and spiritual connection. They should always clear as something that can heal or manifest. It should never be an untrue statement. The subconscious will start to believe the lie which in turn could truly damage your mental state. Instead of concentrating on lack of anything, concentrate on creating abundance and gratefulness. I am Grateful means that you have gratitude for life itself and as long as you are alive, there is something waiting to be discovered, explored, and manifested. Self-talk can change your entire life setting and attitude if the frequency is set on positive reinforcement. You will let in the forces of metaphysical miracles when the mind can understand there really are endless possibilities in human evolution of the mind’s consciousness. How incredible is this tool that we are really only now beginning to understand through science and belief. If you are endless, and boundless in spirit then you are able to exist way beyond these physical bodies which we are also only just beginning to realize how to keep alive. Through our diets, beliefs and physical motion these bodies will begin lasting much longer than ever and the mind will expand in its ability to heal. Crossing over will mean walking through to the higher dimensions without leaving our physical bodies at all. Our souls survive. We can always choose to incarnate or live as pure consciousness. In knowing that and reminding ourselves of it through affirming our ongoing existence, we give ourselves a glorious gift of peace. Reaching that higher ground in an emotional flood becomes a practice that helps to bring in a thriving and growing lifestyle in affirmation of life. We may only be here a set number of years right now in these lifetimes, while we are here and alive, we have purpose and meaning. So do the words you speak to yourself every day. Make sure they are filled with unconditional love and understanding for all you have been and all you are learning to be. Make sure they are sprinkled with forgiveness and humor. Know all you have learned so far is setting you free. You are always in charge. Your thoughts and no one else’s are all you need to affirm how magnificent in soul you really are. About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see psychicmediumjudilynch.com or email judi@ judilynch.com ![]() In Memory of a Kindred Spirit – My Friend Bradley It’s never an easy thing when a friend makes their transition. No longer an Earth bound soul walking around in a human body like you, but finally free of the suffering they endured while they were here. You miss them so dearly yet at the same time, you know they are healed. Complete in consciousness form and able to transcend this time and space for glorious freedom of spirit. I first met Brad several years ago when he was referred to me by my friend Linda. His mother had recently passed, he had health concerns and business questions. I liked him right away. After several months passed, I felt like I had known him all my life. He could make me laugh and cry at the same time. His wit, humor and vulnerability really touched my heart. I wanted so much to see him thrive and happy. He wanted to travel and write and enjoy his life now after working so hard and surviving so many life challenges. His health was a major concern and trying to control his diabetes had become our major focus the last couple of years. He tried everything the experts recommended, conventional and holistic. Brad would call, I would pick up the phone and every time he would say, “Judi, Judi, Judi! Are you ready for me to make your day? I know I can make you laugh” and many times he would then say “I’m so glad you saw it was me and you answered the phone anyway!” And every time he would make me laugh. His life stories, his view of strange happenings and the time he described his vacation as worse than anything that happened in a Chevy Chase vacation movie will forever be in my mind. I will miss those phone calls for always. Toronto calling! Last year he wrote something to Linda and I that made me burst into tears every time I even thought about it. It wasn’t something that he normally did. Even though we knew he cared and he knew we cared, it was such a wonderful thing to write. It came straight from his big beautiful heart. I will have it always. Brad passed away on the 23rd of December, 2015. Thank You Bradley for finding me in this life and for your unconditional love, open mind and compassion. I know you’ve been around as I can feel your presence and hear your joy. You brought us all a little heaven! His email from October 2014: Subject: Thank You From: Bradley 10/12/2014 Flag this message To: Linda Masson, Judi Lynch Hi: Today is Thanksgiving here in Canada so I wanted to pause and reflect and to acknowledge what I am grateful and thankful for. That immediately brought to mind the two of you - My Angels here on earth. I wanted to thank you both - for being who you are, for putting up with me and for all the healing energy and love you have sent to me over the years. You are truly dear friends of mine and I am so proud to be able to count you as such. Please don't ever change because you are perfect the way you are. I love you both Bradley If you have a friend who accepts you and loves you unconditionally, you are truly blessed. If they let you know how much they love you one day in an email, make sure to save it. You never know how much it will mean one day when you are missing their voice on the phone and you need a friend to tell you something wonderful. With love and endless blessings, Judi ![]() Portals to the Light By Judi Lynch Portals connect our existence to the dimensions around us, through endless possibilities of energy fields and choices. We all have the ability to tap into these incredible wheels in which the light is seen, felt or heard. Miracles are created. The reasons for their existence are vast and varied. A soul who is reluctant to cross into the light may have to be counseled into trusting that tunnel of radiant brilliance greeting them at the time of passing into the spiritual realm. Many times these portals of light are sent to heal and rescue us in times of need. They open up with unconditional love to wrap us in Angel wings and carry us to safety. The spiritual beings who thrive in the light of other dimensions bring this light into our Universe in incredible and astounding ways. Humans have witnessed some amazing happenings which can only be explained by divine grace manifesting to bring in miracles that science has yet to explain. These experiences are evolving all the time and as more proof is revealed, scientific discoveries will catch up. These beams of Heaven are also shared with us when there is a great shift of spiritual frequency to upgrade our metaphysical abilities. The energy can be felt through our bodies from our crown chakra to our toes. Lifting us up to heal in fusion of soul and human body while we continue our spiritual evolutions of human ascension. Those who work as mediums, intuitives and energy healers receive this incredible light rejuvenation through their guides and ascended masters by the constant practice of meditation. In these meditations are the personal keys and codes that connect them to their own soul portal of light corresponding to their life purpose here at this time. A soul that is preparing to cross over from this lifetime into consciousness again is often able to see, feel and hear these light portals just before they leave their human body. They have relayed information to those near them explaining what they are experiencing or even spoken to people they are able to see who are in another dimension. When a person physically dies but is revived, they can often tell you about a light portal and describe exactly what was going on in the room while they were unconsciousness. Imagine their soul floating around the top of the room like a camera and then popping back into the body with a report. As our spiritual consciousness continues to evolve, these occurrences will happen more often. It has also come into being that our thoughts have created special times during our Earth calendar year when the veil between dimensions becomes very thin. Energy portals open with our very will of being able to see, hear and communicate with those souls who are no longer in human form. October is especially filled with metaphysical phenomenon and seemingly unexplained presences. December is also a time of great celebration where healing light energy is heightened and Angels have been sighted in many churches around the world. Beautiful beings filled with messages of hope, courage and understanding come to us in dreams, telepathy, synchronicity. Full on visions through light. They would tell you that even in the darkest places, there are cracks which can become tunnels. Millions of souls have traveled through those tunnels and felt the indescribable love pouring through them. How completely miraculous it really is to our human minds we can travel through dimensions! The Earth is filled with energy centers which are able to absorb and channel more light-filled vibrations than other locations. They exists in powerful mountain ranges filled with living things, waterfalls, crystal formations, ancient rocks. Mystical places where there were great ceremonies of gratitude and spiritual connection. In North America, these places were often occupied by native people who blessed the land and easily found their homes among the sacred spaces where they could seek spiritual solace and connection. The magic of the mountains, lakes and skies were a constant source of discovery and amazement. In our recent evolution of mind and soul, man is remembering and then redefining how we once thought of our metaphysical skills and possibilities. They are real and limitless. When our intention is to love, our purpose is to heal; evolving these multifaceted, unique, ridiculous souls becomes clear. We created these portals of light to bring us closer to the dimension so many call Heaven. Now the veil that divides us will disappear to shine right before our eyes. About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and also a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. psychicmediumjudilynch.com e-mail: [email protected] We are Incredible Beings of Healing Light!
By Judi Lynch As the process of ascension grows deeper inside of us, we begin to physically see the changes in everything created. Looking out into the world, seeking to understand, it becomes clearer why we came here. This human evolution of spiritual awakening is thinning the veils of misunderstanding, opening our eyes and our hearts. The light is coming through the cracks, pouring through the crevices of our fears, healing doubts and insecurities. Every single day we live here with compassion inside our hearts, there is hope. In that hope, there is need for great change in those we put our trust in. As we find our bliss in this loving energy, we must also find our courage to speak up for injustices we encounter. With our actions we can help change hearts and minds to do the same. Going beyond our religion, race and social status we must find the places inside that awaken the spark that lives in the spiritual consciousness. We have to examine why so many have separated themselves in pride by heritage without coming into a more accepting and loving way to coexist without judgment. In this separation, we have suffered a great loss of extended family and spiritual oneness of humanity. There is a lower vibrational energy of hate and distrust that is crying out to be healed. Those who are now coming into the higher awareness of being feel the light and bliss being offered like never before. They also know the reasons why it is now awakening in so many in this new era of connection. Choices made by every single person on this Earth as to the energy they create within and around them matter. Every word, thought, meal eaten and action taken creates an energy that will resonate out to everything else in the Universal energy. Reaching out and speaking out is so important in creating new energy fields of love and healing. There are so many lost souls who have never experienced unconditional love with a true compassion from a stranger. Too many homeless being ignored and stepped over. These souls are our sisters and brothers created in the same love as any of us. The animals around us, the environment perfectly crafted was put here to help us learn lessons in creation, respect, love and companionship. How we treat them this a direct reflection on the energies living in our hearts and how we see the miracle of life and being alive. Even in the spiritually conscious communities there is judgement about who is more “enlightened” and able to keep their state of bliss longer. It can be so frustrating for those who need to speak out or call someone on their negative behavior to be told that they must be “going through something” if they feel the need to speak up. Instead of averting our eyes and our minds from the true challenges that come from judgment, separation and fear, we can focus the healing light on change, forgiveness, compassion and understanding. If we can recognize as humans we are fallible and we all came here knowing this, it makes a remarkable difference. When a child understands their inner light is there beyond any harsh word or action against them, they feel empowered as a soul. When a person’s worth is not judged by their skin color or their demographic location, we see true enlightenment. Acceptance of themselves and others by celebrating diversity is something every child should have the gift of knowing. We were made in light, issued in infinite love. There is reason and purpose to every single cell that lives in each person who decided to incarnate here during this rapidly changing and evolving Earth. What we are witnessing right now is an opportunity being given; to every lightworker, seeker of truth, lover of life, healing shaman and those deeply dedicated to healing humanity. Stand up, speak out and spread as much hope, compassion and non-judgment as possible out to the world. Even as we are still learning, forgiving and going through our own soul lessons, we can still look beyond to create a love and energy that heals all things. About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see psychicmediumjudilynch.com or email judi@ judilynch.com ![]() I will be teaching a live online Spirit Guide Activation and Meditation Class next month with the Learn it Live Spirituality Center. Saturday, September 12th at 10 AM CST. Would love to have you join us! You can sign up for free site access here: https://spirit.learnitlive.com/judilynch Sign up for the class here: https://spirit.learnitlive.com/class/6769/Spirit-Guide-Activation-with-Medium-Judi-Lynch My recent interview with Chessie Roberts is now up on YouTube. You can listen here <3 |
AuthorJudi Lynch Archives
November 2017