By Judi Lynch
So many people choose to face dire consequences than make permanent changes in their lives. For some, the thought of changing anything is so frightening the fear wins before they ever try to break free from it. It wins by taking them to a place of darkness and despair--they begin to tell themselves they won’t recover from. That feeling of despair can be healed and transformed but a person has to have hope, they have to feel it true deep down inside to reach for it. Some reach so high that they begin to fly spiritually and never come down the rest of their lives. Others go low, wallow in self pity, neglecting their bodies, minds and spirits with negativity. The result can be devastating not only to their life and purpose here but also to the people around them who feel helpless in getting through.
The evolvement of the human mind is helping us to make better choices which encourage more changes to our thoughts and aspirations. Why does one soul give up and another decide to make changes? What helps us “awaken” and evolve into a new way of thinking, no matter our background or upbringing? Why is choosing to make our lives more peaceful, purposeful and happy seem so difficult? We usually have things to let go of to make it happen. Letting go and flying solo can cause anxiety or can cause joy. If we expect to find our joy from other people’s lives and opinions then we will always feel like an outsider looking in. If we take control of our own “reality shows,” which means if we live life on our own terms, dreams and aspirations, we are free from expectations. Free from caring how others define us, listening to our spiritual guidance and emotional intelligence to lift ourselves up when others may want to tear us down.
It is up to each and every one of us as individuals to be more self sufficient in our emotional needs, to help us overcome these negative feelings quicker, replacing them with unconditional love. Love for ourselves and every living thing on the planet. It isn’t some far off dream in a book written hundreds of years ago. The human consciousness has come into an evolution of global proportion and grows stronger every second the planet spins. We have the insight and knowledge to see the visions manifest because more of us around the world have decided to communicate at a deeper level.
When our challenges seem so huge to us, take a step back and look at the suffering of people on Earth, those who truly know what being in the center of horror feels like. It is astounding the healing number of people who are no longer afraid to stand up and speak out for change--what is right and humane. You will see how much we have changed collectively to evolve humanity. It also takes courage and hard work to make changes in ourselves and in our personal environments. It is every bit worth it. Even if you are the only one in the crowd and your friends make fun of you. If it feels right in your heart and resonates in your soul, you are the only one who can decide.
If you were given the choice to either give up drinking alcohol and live for 30 more years or to continue drinking and maybe have another five years left, what would you decide? Most people would say they want to live and make the change. Some wouldn’t even consider going a day without a drink no matter how long they had left. Since I have personally seen both choices made and the consequences thereafter, I have a realization. There was no way I could have changed their choice no matter what I said or did. It had to come from deep inside their souls. The wake up call had to come from a place much higher up; it was truly between them and God. Their soul’s personal journey was really none of my business. I had to accept the outcome of their choices and carry it with me through my life as another chance to learn and grow from what I had experienced.
If we are able to look at the center of what makes us want to be here along with who we truly are, we can understand the dynamics of the themes and dramas we live out every day. This existence here is only a temporary stop for our souls in the Universal plan. If we believe we will exist as energy in whatever life form we can incarnate into, we have nothing to fear but our thoughts. To change our thought process on any negative situation by seeing the benefit of the lesson or information, we create the changes inside us on the soul level. What if we never have to deal with this particular issue again? Do you believe it can be healed at the soul level and never affect the body or mind in this life or any other? Soul changes take hard work, dedication and endless love, but they are more than worth it. Your soul will thank you in all the lives to come!
Bio for Judi Lynch Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, spiritual adviser, healing energy channel, author and teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon; a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine, she has read for clients all over the world.