11 Things That Keep Us Shining
By Judi Lynch
There could be more than a million ways to consciously elevate our spiritual vibrational energy. Here are 11 important things to remember that might help immensely.
Judi Lynch is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book "Friends with Lights, A True Story" is available on Amazon. She is a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine and has read for clients all over the world.
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By Judi Lynch
There could be more than a million ways to consciously elevate our spiritual vibrational energy. Here are 11 important things to remember that might help immensely.
- Free your mind, heart and soul from the past! Forgive, forgive and forgive some more! It is so important to practice empathy and compassion with detachment. Take your self down to the vibration that left you feeling hurt. Feel it, acknowledge it and let it go! Tie it to a balloon and send it off to the Universe to heal and nurture. Let the child in you be free to roam and glide, to feel the breeze without the judgment and skepticism of others. Those who harm others mentally and physically have deep reasons that cannot touch the place you live in. Your light is always protected, your vibration is all your own. Never give anyone the power that is your spiritual birthright.
- Send Love out to every situation. Positive or negative, everything is here for us to experience. It is a great test to feel with all our being what it means to be a light being soul living in a human body with human emotions. We issued from pure love to be alive on this planet and that is what we return to. The ascension is in full force and for those who know and practice it--feel it--it is astounding the amount of energy being generated with pure love. Love can heal any negative force, thought or emotion that exists. Love forgives all and sustains forever. If you practice sending love to every situation that stirs your soul you will receive all the love in the Universe in the form of an energy that heals all.
- Simplify your life and your surroundings. Clean house. Give away everything you no longer have any use for. Someone might need it desperately and it is doing you no service but to clutter up your space. Keep what fills your space with light and inspires you. Keep what you need to live and share what is in excess. You will receive love in return. A warmth and gentle hug from Heaven saying thank you for helping out your fellow human in need. That human is also a light soul in need. We all are. The more simple we become, the more simple the answers to our life path will come in. The way to listen, hear and act will be clearly felt and seen.
- Reach out. Even if you feel like being all alone 24 hours a day. Someone out there knows you--needs you or is thinking of you. The Law of Karma; every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. What we sow is what we reap. When we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.
- Be conscious of every negative thought and every negative word you say. Replace them with positive optimism. Even if it goes against what you are feeling emotionally. Let go of the need to control. Just be in the light and in the vibration of love as much as you can and for as long as you can. When situations arise that test your patience, let the emotions wash over you before you react in a negative way, breathe.
- Be kind to yourself and the light soul you are. Love the unique and beautiful spirit that lives inside you. Let out the playful side as much as you can. Laugh, share, experience and explore this world. There are a million ways we are given here to amuse ourselves and inspire our creativity. How could we ever be bored? There is a Universe out there and our globe is filled with people who believe the way that you do. If you are not around those people who lift you up and inspire you, find new people!
- Gather your courage and learn how to do something you have never done! Have confidence your soul will lead you to the challenges and events you were meant to experience. Raft down that river and traverse across that canyon. You will never be sorry that you did. You can open the door to a courage you never knew existed inside you.
- Speak your heart without fear. If you have something that dearly needs to be expressed; write it down, talk it out, publish it, own it. Lose the fear of being judged from a past behavior or negative experience. Your words can help someone else find the courage to reach out and get the help they have desperately needed.
- Take care of your body. This is the vehicle your soul resides in! Study the newest findings about what is in the food you and your family eat. Read and educate yourself on how to put the best nutrients you can afford into your body. Think how it determines what happens to your cells years from now. You can change your DNA by what you eat, how you exercise, and every thought you think. We are evolving spiritually and physically at a more rapid pace than ever before in the history of man on Earth. This fact is ever weaving itself into the fabric of our collectively conscious ascension. In a very short time it will be common fact healthy people will be living well into their hundreds without suffering from the ailments of old age we see today.
- Rescue a soul in need. Be it human or animal, each is just as worthy of your kindness, compassion and love. Every living creature who suffers should be helped if put in your path, no matter how small they seem. If you have anything in excess you can give to someone else never throw it away in haste. Even a kind word or a hug. A smile can change a life in an instant. Remember this everywhere you go, even if you don’t feel well. You will feel 100 times better in a short time. You will physically feel a joyful vibration of energy come through you.
- Let in the Light! Whenever you feel there is darkness around you or your human emotions get the best of you, turn the lights on. Meditate, pray, walk, rationalize--talk to a friend and ask your guides plus the angels to turn up the vibration. You have spiritual beings around you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They love you and their mission is to help guide, heal and motivate you. In their light, you are loved unconditionally. There is no judgment. The joy that their energy brings is like no other joy you will experience. It is complete and healing and whole. It is there for all of us, no matter who we are.
Judi Lynch is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book "Friends with Lights, A True Story" is available on Amazon. She is a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine and has read for clients all over the world.
To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop: