I'd Like My Medium Rare, Please!
By Judi Lynch
A large part of my spiritual work involves mediumship. I receive messages and information from souls who have recently lived, crossed over and want to connect with their friends and loved ones. It is an intense and amazing experience every time I become a channel through the light energy. Every situation is unique and every soul has a story to tell!
This past summer has been remarkable for me because of the enormous amount of energy coming in. I've had more clients than ever and the readings have been the source of tremendous healing and insight. Sometimes it can be heartbreaking, sometimes hilariously funny. Even after seven years of doing this work it’s still incredible to me when I receive specific names, numerous details and even past conversations they have had. The joy comes flooding in, the recognition this was truly from the person they loved and missed is a wonderful thing to witness! Sometimes it is “wow!” and other times much more subtle. I try my best to get at much information as I can.
A few months ago, a woman made an appointment to see me and invited her friend to come along. At the last minute, her friend decided she wasn't able to come. We proceeded with the reading and validating what I had written down before she ever walked in. I have the habit of writing up someone's reading days or sometimes minutes before we talk. When I got to the last message I hesitated. I wondered why this soul had asked me to write down his name and just who he was. I gathered up my courage and said "Who is Stan, or Stanley?" She was quiet for a couple of minutes then she lit up and said "Oh! That's her husband. He passed away last year." "Who's husband?" I asked. "The woman who was supposed to come with me today”, she said. Just then he came in with another message. "Well, tell her I was really here, I love her and I wanted her to know I made it just fine. He also added with sarcastic humor, "Tell her thanks a lot for coming!" We cried and then we laughed. There wasn't much else to say after that. I was in awe just thinking about how he was able to come through and give me his name so she would know. I had never met any of these people in my life, but in that moment we were deeply connected by this communication.
Another woman from the East Coast asked me for a phone reading. I wrote down two whole pages of information before our session that day. I didn't know what it all meant, but she did. On one line I wrote mother, best friend, turtles. She said her mother had recently passed, she was like a best friend and she had a huge turtle collection. Turtles all over the house! We laughed. She asked me what the heck her mom wanted her to do with all these turtles. It was so healing for her to hear that mom had come through to me the night before with this information and so much more.
A client I had read for a couple of times with great accuracy and validation brought a friend who was a real skeptic one day. He was very sweet and pleasant. We went through his reading and he just stared at me. He agreed, shook his head, validated and stared showing little emotion but a grin. I read the part where a specific older male relative on his father’s side had a message. This was someone his father had talked about but someone he had never met. I found out later that he had expected to hear from a friend of his who had passed but this relative had insisted I deliver his message to my client’s father instead. Controlling who comes through is not mine to determine in these cases. Sometimes people have lost multiple friends and relatives and we have to ask specifically who we want to communicate with.
A friend and client who has never asked me for a mediumship reading before recently gave me the name of someone they knew who had recently passed. When I began to concentrate on her energy field, her soul repeated to me the last conversation they ever had. We never got to finish our phone conversation, because that was all the validation they needed. They hung up. It happened so fast, I had to repeat it in my own mind. Wow. Some souls have such strong energy; they come through loud and clear and others have messages which are more visible in the third eye. Sometimes they have even waited until the person leaves to tell me something in astounding detail.
I don't use cards, or crystals, or anything but a pen and a piece of paper. I normally write down the readings ahead of time. All I usually know about a person is their name, email address and phone number. I have done readings for people all over the world and the one thing they all have in common is the light that lives inside. The more we let in, the more we have to let out.
I never trusted psychics, mediums, or shamans until I became one. Now I trust most of them even less. Why? Because I know the dedication it takes. You have to do your soul work. You have to give up a lot of negativity to gain this incredible joy of possibility. Always look for someone who has the light in their eyes and in their actions. Words are one thing but action is everything. Seek those who want to lift others up, not put others down.
Trust has to be earned. A healer must empower those asking to be healed with the same knowledge, trust and power to act individually to do the same. Connection and Empowerment to heal through the spiritual consciousness is the key to our human ascension and evolution. There are a lot of good hearted souls out there filled with light, seek them, friend them, keep them close by. We are all going to need each other to help light the way ahead.
We are all unique in our blessings but equally blessed in this incredible light!
By Judi Lynch
A large part of my spiritual work involves mediumship. I receive messages and information from souls who have recently lived, crossed over and want to connect with their friends and loved ones. It is an intense and amazing experience every time I become a channel through the light energy. Every situation is unique and every soul has a story to tell!
This past summer has been remarkable for me because of the enormous amount of energy coming in. I've had more clients than ever and the readings have been the source of tremendous healing and insight. Sometimes it can be heartbreaking, sometimes hilariously funny. Even after seven years of doing this work it’s still incredible to me when I receive specific names, numerous details and even past conversations they have had. The joy comes flooding in, the recognition this was truly from the person they loved and missed is a wonderful thing to witness! Sometimes it is “wow!” and other times much more subtle. I try my best to get at much information as I can.
A few months ago, a woman made an appointment to see me and invited her friend to come along. At the last minute, her friend decided she wasn't able to come. We proceeded with the reading and validating what I had written down before she ever walked in. I have the habit of writing up someone's reading days or sometimes minutes before we talk. When I got to the last message I hesitated. I wondered why this soul had asked me to write down his name and just who he was. I gathered up my courage and said "Who is Stan, or Stanley?" She was quiet for a couple of minutes then she lit up and said "Oh! That's her husband. He passed away last year." "Who's husband?" I asked. "The woman who was supposed to come with me today”, she said. Just then he came in with another message. "Well, tell her I was really here, I love her and I wanted her to know I made it just fine. He also added with sarcastic humor, "Tell her thanks a lot for coming!" We cried and then we laughed. There wasn't much else to say after that. I was in awe just thinking about how he was able to come through and give me his name so she would know. I had never met any of these people in my life, but in that moment we were deeply connected by this communication.
Another woman from the East Coast asked me for a phone reading. I wrote down two whole pages of information before our session that day. I didn't know what it all meant, but she did. On one line I wrote mother, best friend, turtles. She said her mother had recently passed, she was like a best friend and she had a huge turtle collection. Turtles all over the house! We laughed. She asked me what the heck her mom wanted her to do with all these turtles. It was so healing for her to hear that mom had come through to me the night before with this information and so much more.
A client I had read for a couple of times with great accuracy and validation brought a friend who was a real skeptic one day. He was very sweet and pleasant. We went through his reading and he just stared at me. He agreed, shook his head, validated and stared showing little emotion but a grin. I read the part where a specific older male relative on his father’s side had a message. This was someone his father had talked about but someone he had never met. I found out later that he had expected to hear from a friend of his who had passed but this relative had insisted I deliver his message to my client’s father instead. Controlling who comes through is not mine to determine in these cases. Sometimes people have lost multiple friends and relatives and we have to ask specifically who we want to communicate with.
A friend and client who has never asked me for a mediumship reading before recently gave me the name of someone they knew who had recently passed. When I began to concentrate on her energy field, her soul repeated to me the last conversation they ever had. We never got to finish our phone conversation, because that was all the validation they needed. They hung up. It happened so fast, I had to repeat it in my own mind. Wow. Some souls have such strong energy; they come through loud and clear and others have messages which are more visible in the third eye. Sometimes they have even waited until the person leaves to tell me something in astounding detail.
I don't use cards, or crystals, or anything but a pen and a piece of paper. I normally write down the readings ahead of time. All I usually know about a person is their name, email address and phone number. I have done readings for people all over the world and the one thing they all have in common is the light that lives inside. The more we let in, the more we have to let out.
I never trusted psychics, mediums, or shamans until I became one. Now I trust most of them even less. Why? Because I know the dedication it takes. You have to do your soul work. You have to give up a lot of negativity to gain this incredible joy of possibility. Always look for someone who has the light in their eyes and in their actions. Words are one thing but action is everything. Seek those who want to lift others up, not put others down.
Trust has to be earned. A healer must empower those asking to be healed with the same knowledge, trust and power to act individually to do the same. Connection and Empowerment to heal through the spiritual consciousness is the key to our human ascension and evolution. There are a lot of good hearted souls out there filled with light, seek them, friend them, keep them close by. We are all going to need each other to help light the way ahead.
We are all unique in our blessings but equally blessed in this incredible light!