The Magic of a Mystical Mind
By Judi Lynch
What exactly is the mystical mind? Is it so much different from the normal way we have been programmed to think as humans? What is different about those who possess the metaphysical skills to heal with energy and to read and transfer thoughts telepathically that makes them able to operate on such magical terms?
The answers can be hidden in the way we evolve our thought process as we mature. In the heart of a small innocent child, anything is possible. The imagination can be endless, boundless and timeless! Life can seem to be one surreal adventure after another. As time goes on, the child has to learn to live in the reality of the society they live in and conform to the popular thought process. A child learns that there can be certain consequences to “strange” behavior.
Although it might seem the opposite, this logical thought process and intellect are absolutely necessary in order to evolve us all into a state of higher consciousness. These thoughts evolve into questions and more questions. A mind that turns from being childlike and mysterious to stagnant and grey will just accept whatever they are told. A mind that questions, educates and experiences learns they can conjure up questions that have never been asked or answered before. This is where mystical magical thinking creates miracles! The combination of the thought process that accepts both rationally and joyfully is the ascending mind!
Just because someone has intuitive ability or can feel or channel energy does not automatically mean they know how to manifest anything they desire. They may not even understand their abilities at all and use them on a daily basis. Where magic comes into play is when they “wake up” spiritually and are consciously aware of the power of thought and manifestation. Wow! It may take only a word or an action from someone else and it can ignite a light that heals and inspires thousands of others to do the same. Compassion, forgiveness, non-judgment, encouragement, understanding, acceptance; these are the concrete concepts for now and for our future here.
The energies of the ascension are here and getting stronger. We have the ability to channel away the hurt, pain and negativity that holds us back. There is a love filled with glorious light and healing in these incredible miraculous vibrations and we are now learning to hold those vibrations at the highest level. Filling ourselves with the peace of mind that is being offered to us now, this is how it was meant to be.
When we consciously and collectively learn not to accept the negative thoughts that destroy, we will create more thoughts that heal, nurture and grow our spiritual selves. How simple it should be that by changing our minds to only know love, we evolve the soul of the heart for everyone and everything. Expanding the love we feel for ourselves and others leaves no room for anything else to penetrate. It heals us with astounding completeness. Healing every human on Earth would light up this Universe so brightly, that those in the next might come by to say hello more often. Isn’t that an amazing thought?
Bio for Judi Lynch
Judi Lynch is an internationally known Psychic Medium, Healing Energy Channel,
Spiritual Counselor, Teacher and Author. Email to [email protected]
By Judi Lynch
What exactly is the mystical mind? Is it so much different from the normal way we have been programmed to think as humans? What is different about those who possess the metaphysical skills to heal with energy and to read and transfer thoughts telepathically that makes them able to operate on such magical terms?
The answers can be hidden in the way we evolve our thought process as we mature. In the heart of a small innocent child, anything is possible. The imagination can be endless, boundless and timeless! Life can seem to be one surreal adventure after another. As time goes on, the child has to learn to live in the reality of the society they live in and conform to the popular thought process. A child learns that there can be certain consequences to “strange” behavior.
Although it might seem the opposite, this logical thought process and intellect are absolutely necessary in order to evolve us all into a state of higher consciousness. These thoughts evolve into questions and more questions. A mind that turns from being childlike and mysterious to stagnant and grey will just accept whatever they are told. A mind that questions, educates and experiences learns they can conjure up questions that have never been asked or answered before. This is where mystical magical thinking creates miracles! The combination of the thought process that accepts both rationally and joyfully is the ascending mind!
Just because someone has intuitive ability or can feel or channel energy does not automatically mean they know how to manifest anything they desire. They may not even understand their abilities at all and use them on a daily basis. Where magic comes into play is when they “wake up” spiritually and are consciously aware of the power of thought and manifestation. Wow! It may take only a word or an action from someone else and it can ignite a light that heals and inspires thousands of others to do the same. Compassion, forgiveness, non-judgment, encouragement, understanding, acceptance; these are the concrete concepts for now and for our future here.
The energies of the ascension are here and getting stronger. We have the ability to channel away the hurt, pain and negativity that holds us back. There is a love filled with glorious light and healing in these incredible miraculous vibrations and we are now learning to hold those vibrations at the highest level. Filling ourselves with the peace of mind that is being offered to us now, this is how it was meant to be.
When we consciously and collectively learn not to accept the negative thoughts that destroy, we will create more thoughts that heal, nurture and grow our spiritual selves. How simple it should be that by changing our minds to only know love, we evolve the soul of the heart for everyone and everything. Expanding the love we feel for ourselves and others leaves no room for anything else to penetrate. It heals us with astounding completeness. Healing every human on Earth would light up this Universe so brightly, that those in the next might come by to say hello more often. Isn’t that an amazing thought?
Bio for Judi Lynch
Judi Lynch is an internationally known Psychic Medium, Healing Energy Channel,
Spiritual Counselor, Teacher and Author. Email to [email protected]